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Global CEO Magazine:
The new global agenda

Amidst increasing concern about global warming, the business world is embracing socially responsible and eco-friendly practices to improve their bottom line. Serious money is lining up behind the sustainability agenda.


The World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting has been providing opportunity to leaders from diverse fields and areas of the world, to address global concerns and take necessary actions to address those challenges. This year's meeting Davos 2007 focused on the framework to shape the global agenda and identify effective responses. The world business is growing, boosted by the robust changes taking place in most regions and profits are up for many. Especially, the BRIC economic block is leading the global economic growth, despite rising commodity prices. Against this backdrop, a new generation of leaders across the globe are applying new business models based on a pervasive commitment to innovation as their single most important strategic focus.

The annual meeting at Davos, Switzerland, discussed the concern, whether today's global environment can sustain such kind of development. It outlined that the global economy is witnessing `the changing power equation, driven by resource competition and the rise of new economic powers, bringing many unknowns. This translates into a sharpened unease about economic imbalances, job insecurity and migration, which are feeding a new form of backlash to globalization.' On the other hand, energy security and increasing tension and political leverage, as well as public concern about climate change has increased phenomenally. To adjust to these developments, both political and business leaders across the globe are adjusting their strategies rapidly in response to the rising economic and geopolitical influence of emerging markets, in particular China. Unlike in the past, they must manage more risk factors on a continuous basis.


Global CEO Magazine, World Economic Forum, WEF, Global Warming, BRIC Economic Block, Business Models, Global Economy, Globalization, Emerging Markets, Global Implications, Channel Fragmentation, Collaboration Management, Social Network Systems, Customer-led Innovation, PricewaterhouseCoopers, PwC, Global Warming, Environmental Regulations, Mutual Funds.