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The IUP Journal of Suppy Chain Management :
Role of Social Networks in Supply Chain: A Literature Review

Social networks attract the interest of supply chain researchers. This paper reviews the contemporary studies dealing with social networks. It delineates the studies dedicated not only to define and classify social networks, but also to probe into the assessment of the roles played by social networks in supply chain arena. This paper highlights the contemporary views on managing supply networks, and attempts to find the gaps existing in the literature and finds the existence of various opportunities in the area. Finally, the paper presents the areas that require further research works to depict and predict the role of social networks in the operation and performance of supply chains.

One branch of studies in the area of supply chain is dedicated to the non-tangible assets of supply chain or to the human side of the supply chain. One of the offshoots of the branch carry studies dealing with social interactions and their role in the supply chain. In the present era, every big corporate has a network of closely knit suppliers and they constantly interact within this network. The competition is not among the firms but among the networks of supply chain. The ever changing business environment demands higher degrees of integration and collaboration among the business partners. A well-managed network can be of great economic and social value, and may bring competitive advantage to the firm.


Role of Social Networks in Supply Chain: A Literature Review,supply, networks, network, contemporary, branch, collaboration, dealing, competitive, corporate, define, attract, delineates, environment, economic, depict, existing, highlights, interactions, advantage, nontangible, opportunities, performance, partners, predict, require, researchers, classify, suppliers, various, wellmanaged