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The IUP Journal of Suppy Chain Management :
Supply Chain Redesign Strategies Through Identification of Uncertainty

The rapidly changing business environment and the dynamic nature of demand, call for cooperation among companies in the agri-food supply chain. The main challenge involved is the implementation of the supply chain management activities. The paper presents a qualitative, as well as non-parametric research method, for analyzing the supply chain network and for identifying effective chain redesign strategies. The paper emphasizes the need for the management of the sources of uncertainties in the supply chain decision-making process.

In today's uncertain environment, customers are increasingly difficult to keep and costly to replace. New products are launched and businesses are born almost everyday. As companies face intense competition not only from traditional powerhouses, but also from new players, they are on the continuous lookout for new opportunities, and increased efficiencies. After the September 11, 2001 attacks, the added security concerns for global travel and logistics have made the global market environment more volatile than ever. Companies are now focusing increasingly on supply chains, rather than remaining as single firms competing against other individual firms (Christopher, 1998). This holds true especially for the food supply chain, because of self-life constraints of food products and increased customer attention for safe and environmental friendly production methods (Boehlje et al., 1995). Recent events have increased interest in Supply Chain Management (SCM) as a means of improving the strength of supply chain.


Supply Chain Redesign Strategies Through Identification of Uncertainty,supply, increased, environment, management, companies, businesses, Christopher, Companies, constraints, costly, decisionmaking, emphasizes, dynamic, environmental, identifying, agrifood, analyzing, individual, lookout, logistics, launched, Management, methods, network, opportunities, powerhouses, qualitative, redesign, research, selflife, strategies, traditional, Boehlje