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Marketing of e-Health Business : Challenges and Elucidation

The emergence of Internet has opened many channels for various businesses and at the same time created many unknown and unheard of challenges. The health industry is one such industry, which has been getting new leads, rewards and advantages from the Internet, but also facing fresh confrontations and challenges. The marketing of e-health requires specialized, focused and dedicated effort, branding and sales-distribution methodologies. This article throws light on the specific aspects of e-business or online marketing for running the profitable e-healthcare business. It also discusses many issues and challenges related to online health business. The healthcare services through Internet have acquired many names. Distance medical treatment through public network or Internet, e-medical treatment, e-doctor, tele-healthcare, e-medical business, mobile medicine business and tele-medicine centers are a few to name. E-health or e-healthcare is becoming popular.


The healthcare services through Internet have acquired many names. Distance medical treatment through public network or Internet, e-medical treatment, e-doctor, tele-healthcare, e-medical business, mobile medicine business and tele-medicine centers are a few to name. E-health or e-healthcare is becoming popular.

A patent search engine company, FreepatentsOnline (2003) defines healthcare through Internet as "A method and system of providing biological distance treatment through a public network, which includes at least a treatment instrument which is electrically-connected with an information connection system for providing a treatment for a registered user. A treatment information data package sent from a service-provider via the information connection system through the public network to provide digital treatment signals to control the treatment. The treatment information data package is selected from the treatment information database based on a treatment request sent from the information connection system to the service provider and the health information profile of the registered user in the service-provider."

Eysenbach (2001)defines e-health as "An emerging field in the intersection of medical informatics, public health and business, referring to health services and information delivered or enhanced through the Internet and related technologies. In a broader sense, the term characterizes not only a technical development, but also a state-of-mind, a way of thinking, an attitude and a commitment for networked, global thinking, to improve healthcare locally, regionally and worldwide by using information and communication technology."


Marketing of e-Health Business, E-healthcare businesses, Internet, E-medical treatment, e-doctor, Tele-healthcare, E-medical business, Mobile medicine business, Research information services, World Health Organization, WHO, Pharmaceutical industry, Internet marketing, Search Engine Optimization, SEO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization , UNESCO.