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Advertising Express Magazine:
Mobile Advertising : Another Dimension in Promotion

The present article throws light on the concept of mobile advertising, its pros and cons, the recent trends and the future of such advertising forms. It also discusses the case studies on the use of mobile advertising by advertisers and how they have gained through this medium. One may have come across such messages in his/her mobile inbox. Well, this was the message which I received as one of the forms of mobile advertising. And this is the latest buzz in the field of advertising, since it is a cost-effective way to promote and inform the target customers.


With the advent of new media, mobile advertising has become one of the most demanding and integral part of marketing mix. The last 10 years have shown us the great advancement in the field of telecommunication technology and the concept of Vasudhaika Kutumbam now seems to be apt. Moreover, the consumers of today are bombarded with information coming from every direction of the world. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the dynamics of putting a message at the right time through the right medium to the right audience.

Mobile phone, an electronic device has shrunk the entire world within its sphere and has given the liberty to talk or to connect with the family and friends from anywhere in the world. It has also provided us a tool to access every bit of information through the small gadget. If we look at the data of mobile subscribers in our country, they are increasing rapidly and as per the report of the "Indian Mobile Market 2006", India is ranked No. 3 in the world behind China and the US in the number of mobile users. Keeping an eye on this current trend, advertisers have started giving preference to mobile advertising, which not only helps in cost saving but also ensures effective reach. In fact, one can find numerous ads via the mobile route in different forms.


Mobile Advertising, Promotion advertising, Telecommunication technology, Marketing mix, Indian Mobile Market, Short Message Service, SMS, Internet Message Access Protocol, IMAP, Multimedia Messaging Service, MMS, Tata, LG, Reliance, Cellular Operators Association of India , COAI, Global Standard for Mobile communication, GSM, Mobile Marketing Association, MMA.