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Global Ceo Magazine:
Intelligent leaders

Leadership is one of the most read and researched topics in management. The search is still on to find the unique but still elusive set of skills, abilities and attributes of good leaders. Among the ones identified so far, intelligence is assumed to be of greater importance as suggested by the volumes of research conducted so far. It would be, thus, very useful for practicing HR managers to evolve methods to assess the intelligence of aspiring leaders, who are being considered for promotions or recruitment in practical business environment. "There are almost as many different definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define the concept."


Leadership, by any account, is believed to be the most researched and more written about topic in organizational behavior, than any other single subject. The observation sounds logical and can be easily accepted owing to the import leadership has in running a successful business, particularly in this age of increasingly complex and dynamic business environment. However, strong the anti-leadership researchers put forth their argument on the irrelevance of leadership by attributing the success of the companies to the favorable conditions of the business environment, equally arguable is the importance of the role of a leader who envisions opportunities in the evolving surroundings. A very simplistic comparison could be that the leader is like the brain, which scans the environment and commands the other organs to function in a way that is most beneficial to the body.

If joie de vivre of imaginative ideas and path-breaking solutions are important requirements that leaders have to cater to, then their capability, to be a continuous source of such high standard of thinking assumes enormous importance. Given the significant impact on the business outcome, possibly no other field or topic has aroused interest in the management researchers and practitioners to the extent that leadership has evinced. This attention also might have led to unintended hype seen quite often than necessary. The probability that a leader is so critical to the success in organizations may be due to the possibility that the issue has drawn the imagination of the preachers and practitioners owing to the self-christened `high profile' by these leaders and to a good extent by the media. Whatever may be the cause, there has been prolific research and studies on the topic. In 2002, Bass estimates the number of articles on leadership published in English to be around 11,000.


Intelligent leaders, organizational behavior, Business environment, intelligent leadership, Leadership styles, Infosys, Corporate strategy, Past Behavior Interview , PBI, Market intelligence leaders, Michigan State University, Emotional Quotient , EQ, Intelligence leaders, American Psychological Association,