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HRM Review Magazine:
Managing Attrition Level in Organizations

The transition from an individual contributor's role to that of a leader is generally considered to be a critical and challenging milestone in one's career. The role becomes tougher when the leader has the added responsibility of motivating and retaining talent. It is often said that employees leave their bosses and not the organizations. Research shows that managers and supervisors have a huge impact on retention and the relationship an employee has with his or her direct supervisor can, at times, be the deciding factor on whether to stay or leave. Organizations which are sensitive to the needs of their employees, often take into consideration, whether sufficient support systems are in place and if the behavioral expectations are well-defined to help the managers and supervisors succeed in motivating and retaining talent.


It is often seen that people who are outstanding performers in their functional area as individuals prove to be less successful leaders, particularly in terms of motivating, developing and retaining the talent in order to have a team of highly motivated and dedicated employees. Further, the high stakes for new leaders and their organizations add to the pressure, as they are accountable for their own performance as well as driving others to perform. Samuel J Palmisano, CEO of IBM, Australia and New Zealand, said, "Our commitment to diversity gives the company access to the brightest and best in the workplace: It engenders loyalty; it builds our reputation for good corporate citizenship and enables us to compete more effectively in the marketplace.

It simply makes good business sense."In an ideal situation, an employee would love his job, co-workers, employer, organization, working conditions and almost everything that relates to his job. But step into the practical world and let me caution you, you are in for a surprise. About 70% of employed population is not all that happy about one or all of the aspects mentioned above. This is how the process of attrition surfaces in an organization. In simple terms, `attrition' is used to refer to the process of exit of employees from a company, for various reasons.


Managing Attrition Level in Organizations, Attrition rates, Employee retention, Employee recognition program, Human resource outsourcing, Employee retention strategies, Human resource system, IT , TCS, Satyam, Wipro, Infosys, Mergers and acquisitions, Corporate mergers, Corporate acquisition, Monetary policy, Standard Chartered Bank.