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MBA Review Magazine:
Emotional Intelligence : Empowering Personalities

Emotional intelligence can be acquired by creating a viable culture and by continuously working on the positive aspects of life however difficult the challenges may be in the workplace. Every organization can build an emotionally intelligent culture by following the eight-step strategy.


Personal development is essential for employees in a business organization. An ability to understand others in the work place helps to build a good working environment. Today, companies are in need of emotionally intelligent people who are self-motivated and self-aware proactive individuals with a desire to work with their heart and soul to achieve organizational goals. The emotionally intelligent people have certain distinct characteristics which make them superior workers and managers. Companies such as Wipro and the Indian pharmaceutical industry are already into developing successful emotional intelligent culture.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is not separate from intelligence; just that it combines the emotions with the intelligence. EI is the ability in us to understand our emotions and that of others for a good relationship and productive actions. An emotionally intelligent employee earns the goodwill of his subordinates, peers and superiors and climbs the career ladder easily. He is self-aware, self-motivated and proactive and seeks personal development in any given challenge without a sense of any personal loss. He creates a good life at the workplace.

Emotional Quotient (EQ) and EI have been much talked about since the 1990s. If we are flexible enough and able to accept others for what they are, we possess EI to a certain extent. We will be able to accept our own strengths and weaknesses and consciously choose our behavior without becoming impulsive. We can read the moods of others at any specific time and react suitably.


Emotional Intelligence, Ozone Pharmaceuticals, Management development, Indian pharma industry, Healthcare sectors, organizational change, Emotional intelligent culture, Azeem Premji, Wipro Technology, psychologists, Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test, MSCEIT.