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MBA Review Magazine:
Group Discussions : How to Organize Them

Many freshers find it very difficult to face Group Discussions (GDs) when they go for professional jobs. But, GDs have been made almost mandatory for most of the professional placements. They are also essential for getting into the MBA stream. This article highlights the importance, significance, and the tools and techniques involved in coming out of this process successfully. The expectations of the employer are also explained briefly so that candidates can make an effort to meet them. The entire article has been divided into three sessions such as pre-session, during the session and post-session. The article also explains the norms and rules along with the responsible role of a moderator to conduct the GDs professionally. It also dwells at length on the dos and don'ts during the session.


We discuss too many things in daily life at home or in the office or in colleges on various topics. We find that a few agree and a few disagree with us. At home, if there are more family members and when they want to take a decision they talk to one another either at the dining table or at leisure time. After some discussions (heated or otherwise) they arrive at a consensus and finalize a decision. At the corporate level also there are frequent meetings on various issues for taking concrete decisions. Hence, we take decisions regularly whether in our personal life, professional life or social life by means of GDs. Many companies conduct GDs for prospective employees so as to check their suitability to their corporate culture. While we understood the concept of GD let us look at the objectives of the same.

The main objective of any GD is to provide a wide range of solutions to a particular problem and then streamlining and creating a viable solution by means of discussion. Discussions always provide more knowledge base. GD generates ideas by way of sharing and exchanging and, at times, unlocks many things from the subconscious as everyone has hidden potential. At times, new ideas flash from the subconscious mind when provoked or stimulated. It helps in eliciting the personality traits besides enhancing the knowledge base.


Group Discussions, corporate level, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership skills, Interpersonal skills, Communication skills, Time management, Listening ability, Body language, Group dynamics, B-Schools, Team building.