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MBA Review Magazine:
Writing Skills : How to Cultivate Them

This article encourages and inspires all the readers to become acquainted with the nuances of writing. It sends a strong message that writing is a skill that anyone can develop provided there is passion, patience, perseverance and practice. This article motivates even non-writers to start writing by explaining the simple methodology of writing. People are good at speaking but feel cornered when they are asked to write. The article speaks in volumes about the art of writing. It addresses the problems involved in writing and how to overcome the same. It brings out creative tools and techniques of writing.


The secrets and strategies of effective writing are unfolded. This article motivates even non-writers to start writing by explaining the simple methodology of writing. Besides, it also provides food for thought even for average writers to become professional writers. When people are encouraged to speak, they are comfortable. When they are asked to write something they find it difficult to write. Is it because man, by nature, is more interested to speak rather than to write? Or is there any discomfort in writing? Or is it because of both factors and forces besides not having adequate practice?

In fact, writing is a skill anyone can cultivate because for both speaking and writing the thoughts have to flow from the same human mind. When we speak we retrieve the data from our mind and same is the case when we write. That means the basic source of inputs for both writing and speaking comes from the same human mind. In fact, writing is as easy as speaking when one knows the tools and techniques and secrets and strategies. For writing on any topic or subject, the script can be divided into three sections such as pre-writing stage, during writing stage and post-writing stage.


Writing Skills, Writing techniques, psychology, Alamanac, Simple methodology, Verbal communications, Writing styles, Computers editing tools, Business proposal writing, Report writing, Technical writing, Corporate strategies, Engineering literature, Concise Oxford Dictionary, Electrical and Electronics Engineers.