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Advertising Express Magazine:
Culture Unfurled : Multilayered Indian Advertising

Culture is a non-static and ever-changing phenomenon. Indian advertisers are making use of these dynamic cultural aspects while influencing the Indian consumer minds. These ads also highlight issues regarding the adaptability and peculiarity of the Indian socio-cultural scene which makes it all the more complex. This great melting pot of Indian culture has so much to offer to the advertisers who can make a difference provided they understand the deep-rooted cultural values.


Culture is a system of collectively held values. The values get transformed from one individual to another which automates the cohesive programming of human mind. Culture is a catalyst to distinguish the consumer groups from each other. India is known as a melting pot for art and culture. The cultural heritage of India can be traced back to thousands of years. It is astonishing to find how this country has absorbed cultures from various parts of the world and has transformed them into a new culture of its own. Indian culture is a very non-static and ever transforming phenomenon. This peculiar characteristic of the Indian culture brings in immense complexity in its understanding.

Marketers need to be very specific and firm on their ideas while communicating in such a complex scenario such as in India. This country is different from the entire world in many ways. India has more than 300 languages and over 2,000 dialects which change every 15 kilometers. This also brings in, variety of customs and traditions which are inherent parts of the culture. Customs, traditions and rituals differ from region to region and have a major influence on the attitude formation and consumer perception.

Indian consumer exhibits collective values and is not individualistic like west. Family bond, extended family, peer group pressures are the buzzwords in individual decision-making.

Due to this complex cultural and social setting, the advertising world is faced with many challenges. This challenge can be confronted by narrating interesting situations in the advertisements which can help to directly associate with the audience. Deep understanding of the Indian culture can certainly make a heart winning advertisement copy. This capricious world of advertising unfolds interesting facets of Indian culture that are beautifully applied to seek the attention of viewers. Advertisements having cultural appeal can stand out easily in the crowded advertising battlefield. Some of such cultural appeals are discussed with critical analysis of the impact that these campaigns can make on the consumer mind.


Advertising Express Magazine, Indian Advertising, Indian Socio-Cultural Scenes, Consumer Perceptions, Decision-Making Process, Indian Culture, Technological Innovations, Financial Services Industry, Banking Industry, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Voltas Air Conditioners, Mobile Banking, Internet Banking, Aviva Life Insurance.