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Advertising Express Magazine:
Radio Should Explore and Discover More

Radio has been one of the oldest media used to convey the messages. However, the medium was at its lowest usage when TV emerged in the 1980s and the Internet in the 1990s. But this scenario has dramatically changed and currently, radio is the most happening medium with over 400 channels across the country. Today, this medium has become very powerful and is entertaining a large part of the universe. In the future, this medium is expected to play an important role for the advertisers in launching new campaigns.


Rdio may not be considered as glamorous as the television, but over the past decade, this medium has become powerful, innovative, engaging a large audience both on the road and at their homes. In the earlier days, the radio was seen more like a support medium. However, with more and more radio channels entering on a national level over a period of time, today radio is no longer seen as a support. Many small clients and retailers have adopted radio as their primary medium to promote their products. In the early 1970s, many brands used the radio to create a brand identity through smart and intelligent programming. Programs like Inspector Eagle, Cricket with Vijay Merchant and Sports with AFS Talyarkhan were the favorites among many listeners especially on a Sunday afternoon after a nice lunch. Brands like Eagle Flasks, Thackersey Fabrics and Erasmic Blades and Shaving Cream were associated with these programs. Who can forget the great Bournvita Quiz Contest, which took birth on the radio, and has today become a very popular program with the kids and the parents on the television. The brand connect with quizzing had been so strong that nobody could take that slot for many years.

The memorable Binaca Geetmala was popular among every household. Ameen Sayani with his evergreen voice made the program very entertaining, engaging and enjoyable at 8 p.m. every Wednesday. It was a must listen program on radio Ceylon for music followers across India. This radio program was as famous in those days as the Saas Bahu serials of the prime time slot in Star Plus channel or the popular `Chiti' program on Sun TV are nowadays. Every member of the family was completely and emotionally involved with Binaca Geetmala. And of course we had the cricket running commentary that was broadcast through radio and was very popular among most cricket lovers.

With the relaxation in the policy by the Information & Broadcasting Ministry over the past few years, we have seen the arrival of many private FM Channels. Instead of just focusing in the metros, these channels have also dispersed their geographical presence in smaller towns. India has around 200 radio channels but countries like France and Italy have more than 5,000 radio channels. Radio as a medium offers considerable flexibility and short lead time to produce and place a product in the channel as compared to the television. The biggest gainers of using the radio are the small time retail outlets that cater only to local markets. A case in example is the textile retail outlet brand in Mumbai called Babubhai Jagjivandas. This brand used only the radio for its promotion and was greatly rewarded. The brand had no great message to deliver but the catchy tune and the repeated exposure in the channel, thanks to the radio's low-cost, helped it to create a good impact in the marketplace.


Advertising Express Magazine, Private FM Channels, Intelligent Programming, Information & Broadcasting Ministry, Rural Internet, Urban Internet, Radio Jockey, Educational Programming, Knowledge Assets, Special Entertaining Programs, Radio Channels.