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Advertising Express Magazine:
User Generated Commercials

Traditional advertising models are collapsing. Since the customers are paying less attention to the ads, the purpose of marketing is being lost. In this backdrop, the author forecasts that advertising will play a subsidiary role soon and User Generated Commercials (UGC) will become an industry in itself. The article highlights the meaning, the benefits, limitations and strategies which can be used in understanding and implementing the UGC concept.


Marketers environment has changed. It is now a consumer controlled environment. The markets are such that, either the marketers can fight with the crowd or can have a two-way communication with them. Along with the rapid growth of the online social media, podcasting, blogging and social networking the concept of User Generated Commercials (UGC) has assumed prominence. This has become a buzzword and new form of word-of-mouth communication. Digital marketing has provided the platform for UGC. There are different Internet sites like `YouTube' and `MySpace' and Internet forums like Flickr, Yahoo video and Wikipedia which empower the users to share their ideas and creativity. Firefox, a web browser, ran a campaign `Firefox Flicks' where it asked its users to make a 30 seconds ad. There were 280 submissions for this campaign and the winner was a teenage girl. There are also many television channels running programs like the V-Cam programs where users get $1,000 for creating ads. Sony was the first to run such programs followed by Toyota and L'Oreal. Conn Fishburn, Director of Social Media Strategy for Yahoo opined that "There should not be ways to market to users but there should be ways to communicate to them."

Advertising was called the folklore of the industrial society in 1950s. Advertising then encompassed only dissemination of messages and stories to the masses. But today, customers are ready to give their inputs to the company and even the companies are ready to accept these inputs. For example, MasterCard in its `Priceless' campaign enthused its customers to make an ad ending with the word priceless on its consumer generated ads sites. This campaign got a good response.


Advertising Express Magazine, User Generated Commercials, Traditional Advertising Models, Advertising Industry, Media Industry, Social Media Strategy, Digital Marketing, social networking, American Express, Return on Investment , RoI.