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Advertising Express Magazine:
Using Humor to Cut Through Advertising Clutter

Advertisers are constantly innovating ways to promote their products. It has been recognized that emotions play a vital role in the success of an ad campaign. Success is usually guaranteed if the advertisers are able to strike the right emotional chord with the recipients. In these cases, there is greater likelihood that the positive emotions generated is converted into buying behavior. In this context, humor provides the most compelling strategy to evoke positive feelings about a product.


Humor is universally accepted as a tool that makes people think and smile at the same time. Great messages have been created using humor. Authors and playwrights have used it time and again to create memorable comedies for everyone to enjoy. It is not surprising that advertising, a powerful weapon to communicate, has also used humor to sell a wide spectrum of products. The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines humor as a "form of communication in which a complex, mental stimulus illuminates, or amuses, or elicits the reflex of laughter". Humor is a multidimensional phenomenon having varied facets, some of which are comic wit, sentimental humor, satire, sentimental comedy and comedy (Speck 1990). It is this versatility about humor which ad makers exploit to transform commonplace into something exotic that stands out to create the intended impact. More often than not, effective deployment of humor can be gainfully utilized in advertising to engage all segments of the intended audience, which is typically a challenging proposition.

Advertisements are persuasive texts intended to influence the consumer behavior. By and large, the advertisements strive to target consumer attitudes towards a product as advertisements cannot determine the behavior directly. In the midst of the clutter and saturation in the advertising world, commercials today focus more on taking advantage of the consumers emotional attention rather than deliberating on the attributes of the products. Ad makers use different strategies to appeal emotionally to the viewer/reader (consumers). The overwhelming desire to strike an emotional chord with the prospective customer is in realization of the fact that there is greater likelihood of the positive feelings generated about the advertised product to be converted into buying behavior. In this context, humor provides the most compelling strategy to evoke positive feelings about a product.


Advertising Express Magazine, Vodafone, Advertising Icons, Nonsensical Humorous Advertisements, Commercial Advertisements, Product Color Matrix, Advertising humor, Indian Advertising, Financial Risks, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Psychological Factors.