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Advertising Express Magazine:
Subliminal Advertising

Subliminal advertising is a method of exposing consumers to product images or brand names without the consumers being consciously aware of the same. Advertisers use these techniques to bypass the customers' unconscious minds and to manipulate and control them. A subliminal message is a sign premeditated to pass below the normal limits of the human mind's perception. The primary objective of these ads is to persuade individuals to make involuntary purchase decisions.


The concept of subliminal advertising and research concerning its effects are almost 100 years old. It is a form of neuro marketing tactic followed by marketers. Subliminal means beneath the sensory threshold. This is derived from the Latin words sub, meaning under, and limen, meaning threshold.

A subliminal message is a sign embedded in another medium, premeditated to pass below the normal limits of the human mind's perception. It is a technique of exposing consumers to product images, brand names, or other marketing variables without the consumers being consciously aware of the same. In the revamped lexicon, a subliminal message is known as a `prime' or `visual drumbeat'. These primes are in the form of quick bursts of images lasting for one to three frames and have been used in commercials to convey edginess and mood. Subliminal messages are assumed to function as auditory primers. Subliminal messages are unrecognizable by the conscious mind, but in certain situations can affect the subconscious mind (unconscious mind) and can negatively or positively influence subsequent later thoughts, behaviors, actions, attitudes, belief systems and value systems. It is a common type of manipulative advertising. These ads primarily work on sex appeal. The primary objective of subliminal advertisements is to persuade individuals to make involuntary purchase decisions. There is an extensive litany of subliminal messages found in print, film, as well as in the television media.

It is scientifically proven that subliminal messaging or advertising can produce quantifiable results. Numerous cognitive researchers believe that the crucial time scale for human information processing lies below one second. At any given moment, when viewing a scene before us, our eyes transmit and our brain deciphers literally millions of separate pieces of information. Our brain processes all this information through a subconscious filtering system named the Reticular Activating System (RAS).


Advertising Express Magazine, Subliminal Advertising, Subliminal Messages, Reticular Activating System, Media Sexploitation, Subliminal Seduction, Advertising Techniques, Neuro Marketing, Subliminal Advertising, Psychotherapeutic Applications.