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Global CEO Magazine:
"We pride ourselves on our ability to collaborate and to bring key partners together - in the government, industry, and academia."

On the Shoulders of Giants : Lindblom on Decision Making


This year we look back to a seminal paper by Charles Lindblom. He recognized that complex problems do not have clear objectives and thus in the real world explicit evaluations, comprehensive overviews and quantified values for analyses are impossible. Consequently, decision makers `muddle through' some important decisions. This muddling is explored and several observations from Swedish field studies are cited. The applicability to low understanding/incremental change situations suggest it may be used in a broad number of decisions and thus we might benefit by becoming better practitioners of the approach.


Global CEO Magazine, Nova Scotia Business Inc., NSBI, Business Financing, Citco Fund Services, Hedge Fund Administrator, US Markets, World-class Technology, Ventures Canadian Fund, Business Financing, Financial Services, Business Practices, Nova Scotia Unlimited Liability Companies, NSULC, Public and Private Sectors, Global Economy.