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Global CEO Magazine:
International Negotiation Strategies

This article provides a perspective on international negotiation strategies and explains how their application differs based on contextual and process-related factors. The context of a nation comprises political, regulatory, legal, economic, and social factors. International negotiators need to be aware of these factors and how they will have a bearing on the negotiation. In general, these factors affect the nature of power balances and the style of negotiation. The process of negotiation is something which the negotiators have more scope in managing since every deal is different from the other.


Negotiations at an interna tional level require a high degree of skill and preparation to achieve success. In theory, a win-win situation would seem to be the ideal solution for the parties involved. But this is not something that parties consider the ideal solution in all cases. A number of factors have to be considered and balanced in order to arrive at an agreement. They broadly include contextual and process-related factors.


Global CEO Magazine, International Negotiation Strategies, Public and Private Enterprises, Professional Services, Cultural Factors, Power Distance Index, PDI, Risky Decisions, Top Level Management, International Business, Asian Cultures.