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HRM Review Magazine:
Resurrection of the Indian Workforce

The growth of an organization is mainly affected by the lack of workforce and as such, we have to adopt an innovative approach to recruitment practices. To combat ahead of competition in this world of recession and uncertainty, organizations have to introduce innovative HR strategies. They should use meticulous analytical tools with leadership from the top and develop a method for sustainable improvement. These practices must improve the organizational values and help in developing free products or services at a minimum cost.


Have a dream; be curious; learn; try; and make inven tions in the area of HR. Let us be strategists and not mere technicians because unless you solve some strategic problems of the organization, you cannot be part of the strategic group. Anyone who is in a strategy group should be doing much more than a functionary. Pioneering HR practices calls for HR professionals who constantly work with CEOs on strategic questions.

The HR professionals should start thinking in the way required to solve strategic employee-related problems of the organization and professionals in the field of HR the must put thrust to deal with most of the important obsession of the organization where they work. Even if they do not know how to work on it, they should resolve to learn how to do it.

It is always said that the growth of Indian industries/organizations are mainly affected by the lack of people and as such we have to take an innovative approach to recruitment practices. Let us convert the impossibilities into possibilities, because the most suitable HR practices for the problems of India have to be developed in our country itself instead of adopting practices from other parts of the world.


HRM Review Magazine, Resurrection of the Indian Workforce, Innovative HR Strategies, HR Professionals, Recruitment Practices, Management Skills, Soft Skills, Management Culture, Total Quality Management, TQM, Technological Advances.