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HRM Review Magazine:
The Impact of Equipoise on Corporate Leadership

We observe many people in constant search of happiness that is elusive, without realizing what real happiness is all about. Are they chasing a mirage? Or is it only a state of mind? The authors explain, in a simple dialog mode, how the lessons from the Holy Gita could be applied to the modern life. The discussion between a father and his son is used to illustrate the problem and the solution.


Equipoise means Stithapragna, a state of mind by which every human being should perform his/her duties in this mundane world without expecting anything in return. The essence of Gita is based on three cardinal principles, Samskara, Freedom of mind and non-attachment. Always thinking of good and doing good is Samskara. Freedom of mind leads us to freedom of intellect which in turn helps us think of higher values of life. When we live in this sinful world, we remain untouched by sin if we live with unattachment.

The article emphasizes the importance of equipoise to modern management leaders and its relevance in current business situations through an interesting conversation between a son and a father.

The present day youth is always over confident by displaying a "Know_all" attitude. This is about Ashwin, just turned 24 and out of his MBA joined a multinational company based at Mumbai. He comes to Chennai on a week's leave to be with his parents. His dad is currently employed as a full-time professor at a leading business school after having worked for more than 35 years. He engages in social and spiritual activities during his spare time with the main objective of repaying his gratitude to the society in return for what he got from the society.


HRM Review Magazine, Modern Management, Spiritual activities, Higher levels of achievement, Sensual gratification, social responsibility, Modern life, Cardinal principles, Current business situations.