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MBA Review Magazine:
The Power of Experiential Learning

This article highlights some simple and easy-to-use strategies to facilitate experiential learning. These strategies serve as a useful initiation process prior to the use of other approaches such as projects and internships.


Rapid learning is very vital in today's knowledge-based economy. The educational system, therefore, should be designed to enable students to imbibe powerful learning skills, rather than be limited to the assimilation of concepts. Experiential learning serves as a powerful approach in this context.

The emphasis in experiential learning as highlighted by Sims (1995) is on the use of a range of instructional styles to enhance student learning. Thus the dependence on the traditional lecture method with a thrust on rote memorization and recitation of facts is to be significantly reduced, if not entirely eliminated. "Experiential learning involves a directed process of student initiated questioning, investigating, reflecting and conceptualizing based on experiences both in and outside the formal classroom setting."


MBA Review Magazine, Experimental Learning, Knowledge-based Economy, Educational System, Business Schools, Educational Programs, Internship Projects, Operations Management Courses, Non-parametric Methods, Inventory Management, Resource Requirements.