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MBA Review Magazine:
Managing Faculty Crisis

Since time immemorial, the teacher has been an indispensable organ of the educational system playing an important role in the growth and development of an individual. In professional courses, the responsibility of the teacher increases even more. A teacher has to not only be effective while teaching but should also be a role model for the students. The faculty team of any B-School has the power to write distinct success stories. Although an increase in the number of B-Schools has enhanced employment opportunities for faculty members, most of the schools are facing a faculty crisis. Such a crisis is mostly made up of unavailability of competent faculty. This article elaborates upon some aspects of managing a faculty crisis such that a B-School is able to extract the maximum from the situation.


Effective management teachers may be registered as extinct species in the coming days. Day by day it is becoming difficult for B-Schools to find competent faculty members as they are, in fact, facing two major sets of problems these days. One relates to the placement of their graduates and another is to find, employ and retain competent faculty members. Crisis on the faculty front is getting severe day by day. Firstly, recruitment of faculty is a real problem for the B-Schools and, secondly, managing them has also become challenging. Limited individuals who apply for the job are either incompetent or do not stay for long with the same B-School. Level of commitment has definitely gone down in the teaching aspirants. The attitude of the faculty members is such that they feel as if they are doing some great favor to the B-School by joining as teachers. It is not surprising to note this attitudinal change as a phenomenal increase in the number of B-Schools has opened up numerous job avenues for management teachers. The noticeable fact is that the demand exceeds supply in this case. If certain long-term measures are not adopted immediately, the faculty crisis is bound to remain, and it has already reached alarming levels. In the long term, competent faculty will accumulate at the best B-Schools and others will suffer even more. To avoid this suicidal situation, each B-School should give due thought to resolving the prevailing faculty crisis.


MBA Review Magazine, Educational System, Faculty Crisis, B-School, Effective Management Teachers, Organizational Commitment, Management Graduates, Corporate Sector, Career Advancements, Management Teacher Programs, Management Education.