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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Communication Sells! Lessons from Airtel's `Big Idea'
: Bedabal Ray

There has been a lot of research, debate and argument on what should be the `Big Idea' or the communication theme to promote a brand. Many companies have successfully maneuvered Big Ideas well and strategized their communication to become the world's most successful brands. Nike started with "Just do it", BMW has its tagline, "The Ultimate Driving Machine", Tata Steel says, "We also make steel" and so on. This article takes a look at the communication strategies of Airtel and other telecommunication service providers in the Indian market.


Companies have often used ce- lebrities to enhance their brand values. Knowingly or unknowingly, celebrity values get transferred into the brand to develop Image Connect, and the brand, thus, enhanced will ultimately get connected with the consumerswe call this Mental Connect. Successful companies use Image Connect and Mental Connect with a lot of maneuvering skills and create successful brands that make history.

Many companies try to achieve image differentiation. They create unique or differentiated image to pull the crowds. People buy certain products absolutely based on some distinct images. In India, Kingfisher has created a unique and distinctive image, and consumer preference is very strong for Kingfisher Airlines. The Kingfisher brand is recognized even by its jingle which has been made memorable, lyrical and distinctive. In a similar way, Marlboro created the "macho cowboy" image through a mesmerizing advertisement and millions liked the cigarette primarily because it had a distinct and unique image. The protagonist who appeared in Marlboro advertisements was brawny, adventurous, and gave a new dimension to communication.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Kingfisher Airlines, Marlboro Advertisements, Brand Equity, Communication Strategy, Telecom Companies, Unique Selling Proposition, USP, Telecommunication Services, Telecom Service Providers, Multinational Corporations, Promotional Campaigns.