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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Issues and Challenges in Rural Advertising and Promotion in India
: Anuradha

The rural market for many products is growing rapidly; and simultaneously, the tastes and preferences of rural consumers are undergoing transformation. Rural advertising is, therefore, gaining ground in today's competitive world. The products that are offered to rural consumers may or may not be different. But the way they are marketed has to be carefully thought out. To cope with these challenges, marketers use a variety of advertising and promotional techniques and also media which are unique to rural areas.


Major consumer product and service companies in India are increasingly targeting India's rural markets for expanding their businesses. Some of the organizations which have already made their presence felt in the rural hinterland are Hindustan Unilever, Coca-Cola, LG Electronics, Britannia, Philips, Colgate Palmolive and various telecom and life insurance companies.

Indian Tobacco Company (ITC) has a diversified portfolio of businesses including cigarettes, hotels, paperboards and specialty papers, packaging, agribusiness, packaged foods and confectionery, branded apparel, greeting cards, and various FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) products. For the first time in India, ITC launched its rural mall "Choupal Sagar" in remote parts of the country in order to serve high potential rural consumers. This mall provides warehouse facilities for the storage of farm produce purchased from the farmers and also functions as a shopping-cum-information center for rural consumers.

Recently HDFC Bank drew up new measures for expanding its network in rural areas. It also planned to appoint more field staff and set-up offices with Internet and other facilities at rural branches. The aim behind all these initiatives is to create awareness among farmers and self- help groups about bank services.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Consumer Products, Rural Markets, Life Insurance Companies, Indian Tobacco Company, ITC, FMCG, Fast Moving Consumer Goods Products, Commercial Rural Advertising, Brand Building, Marketing Strategies, Decision-making Powers, Product Innovation.