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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Marketing Food Products to Children
: Amitabha Ghose

The food and beverage industry views children as a major target market. As a result, children are now the target of intense and specialized food marketing and advertising efforts, especially those related to junk foods. Marketers are interested in children as consumers because of their purchasing influence and as future adult consumers. While marketing to children is at present largely self-regulatory, the author feels there is a strong need for more stringent regulatory mechanism in the Indian context.


Today advertising influences the life of every person including children. The children's market is very important to advertisers because of its large size and their pester power. Multiple techniques and channels are used to reach even toddlers to foster brand-building and to influence their purchase behavior as they grow up. The marketing channels include television advertising, in-school marketing, product placements, kids clubs, the Internet, toys and products with brand logos, and youth-oriented promotions such as cross-selling and tie-ups. Peer pressure to distinguish between those who have and don't have may sometimes be so strong that it may push children into illegal or unethical means to acquire products or services.

In spite of growing popularity of the Internet, computer and video games, television is still the primary electronic medium which children prefer the most. They sometimes watch it all by themselves when no adult would be present to explain the underlying marketing messages permeating the medium.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Marketing Food Products, Television Advertising, Product Placements, Food Advertising, Marketing Activities, Government Regulations, Self-Regulation, Advertising Standards Council of India, ASCI, Social Campaigns, Alcohol Advertising, Tobacco Advertisements.