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Advertising Express Magazine:
Socio-ethical Issues in Advertising

Advertising has become a more insidious and more persuasive part of everyday life because it is visible and unavoidable. Modern advertising is multidimensional. It is a form of mass communication, a powerful marketing tool, a means of financing the mass media, a social institution, an art form, an instrument of business management and a profession. Taken individually and superficially, ads promote goods and services. This article analyzes the socio-ethical issues involved in advertising.


Consider this scenario: A family is engrossed in watching a very interesting musical program on television. Suddenly, everything `blows off' and one can only see the line, "remaining part of the program after the break." With this announcement starts the unending sequence of advertisements of various products and services.

Everyday, we continue to absorb the messages put out by numerous advertisements, whether we like them or not. As aptly put by the Time magazine, "Advertising works, but without our knowing, that it is working on us. Good advertising works with still greater care and quietness." Today's advertisers have the capacity to be all-invasive. Kim Rotzoll, Professor of Advertising, at University of Illinois, says: "Advertisers do not have the power to compel, no matter how vast their promotional efforts are. But, however, they do have the power to prevail—prevail in our magazines, newspapers, prevail on our radio and television sets, in store windows and, above all, to prevail on our priorities."

Modern advertising is not merely a vehicle for promoting purchases and stimulating consumption. It also guides, educates and protects buyers, so that they can buy intelligently and raise their standard of living. Advertising is an indispensable tool that helps to introduce a new product. It helps an established product retain its position and provides information and creates options or choices. In today's society, advertising has a profound impact on how people understand life, the world and themselves, especially their values and their choices and behavior.

Advertisement is considered to be effective, only if it serves a set of goals. The knowledge of consumer reaction to advertisements is of immense importance, especially for the marketers. A large number of researches have been conducted in India and abroad by advertisers, consumer organizations and many institutions to examine the impact of advertisements.


Advertising Express Magazine, Socio-ethical Issues, Mass Communication, Business Management, Consumer Organizations, Mass Media, Cigarette Advertisements, Alcohol Brands, Cultural Events, Surrogate Advertising, Watching Advertisements.