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Advertising Express Magazine:
Stakeholder Relationship Management:Looking Beyond CRM

Effective customer relationship management undoubtedly helps an organization satisfy its customer needs, increases customer retention and optimizes business performance and profitability. But it is often argued that a company belongs to its stakeholders-its shareholders, customers, employees and the society at large. While a discontented stakeholder can individually disrupt an entire organization, a properly managed stakeholder can be the greatest asset.


It is said that the value of a business is all about how its customers, suppliers, employees, financiers, communities, the media, and managers interact and interface. And every business must understand the importance of developing and nurturing strong equations with customers. But increasingly, organizations are moving beyond the traditional system of focusing and managing only the customers. Increasingly, complex issues in the business environment have started demanding the involvement of all the stakeholders of an organization. Managing the expectations of different stakeholders and maintaining a strong relationship with them has become imperative for the success of any organization. On the one hand, where customers expect innovative and high-quality products with good services at attractive prices, on the other, the regulatory authorities demand that their obligations must be fulfilled in time. Similarly, when financial authorities claim taxes, levies and fees, the general public demand environmentally friendly policies and that the public welfare is taken into account. Organizations today are working to satisfy all these stakeholders, who, at times, have conflicting interests. It has become imperative to manage the stakeholder network and the expectations of all the stakeholders, sine negative or mismanaged stakeholder relationships can lead to increased cost and lack of stakeholder acceptance or buy-in, hampering the performance of the organization in the process.

The term, Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM), is an extension of the terms Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and investor relationship management (shareholder relationship), which concentrate only on the relationship of an enterprise with its customers and shareholders. The ability to handle stakeholder relationships is an essential part of managing a business, particularly when different stakeholders have equal and opposite power, or when the stakeholder has a significant power over the organization. The process of stakeholder relationship management starts with knowing the stakeholders and proceeds to analyzing them, communicating with them, and managing their expectations.

A stakeholder can be defined as any person, group or organization who has a claim on an organization's resources or output or is affected by the output. Since the stakeholder has a stake in an organization, he/it stands to lose or gain as a result of the organization's activities. Knowing and understanding the stakeholders of the enterprise is the first step in managing them. Stakeholders such as customers, service users, media, politicians, pressure groups, partners, suppliers, etc. may be external to the organization or internal, which includes employees. The Exhibit shows how and to what extent the stakeholders of an organization are associated with it. Table 1 depicts the different categories of corporate stakeholders along with their interest in the organization.


Advertising Express Magazine, Stakeholder Relationship Management, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Retention, Business Environment, Organizational Resources, Stakeholder Management, Effective Management, Stakeholder Conversations, Customer Loyalty, Decision Making Process.