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HRM Review Magazine:
Six Thinking Hats : More Than a Brainstorming Technique

Successful firms recognize the significance of capitalizing on emerging opportunities manifested through day-to-day challenges, while preparing to expand domestically and globally. In the process, they take the cue from HR systems and practices. By exploring the utility of synergy emanating from the diverse thinking platforms of modern day firms, an attempt is being made to evolve a congenial atmosphere for the smooth running of business operations. Precisely, the "Six Thinking Hats" appears to be the most feasible option for the easy makeover of firms in tune with the market transformation. A bird's eye view of the "Six Thinking Hats", propounded by Edward De Bono, has been captured for its application in the business management of modern times. Cutting across the hierarchies or divisions in the workforce, it ensures `parallel thinking' that reinforces the enduring greatness of human intellect in the organization.


Having weathered the turbu- lent economy for the last one year or so, as we enter the new phase with the hope that it will present opportunities never seen before, it gives us a reason for cheer and to look at the environment with optimism. At the same, time, we are witnessing a lack of industrial harmony, due to which, industries are facing lot of challenges to keep their business running. If we take a look around us, we find that a number of industries have not only put their growth plans on hold, but are also fighting for their very survival due to industrial unrest. Do we have an appropriate strategy to tackle the menace and, more importantly, are we prepared to turn these challenges into opportunities? So, the need of the hour is to take a proactive approach. Having faced turbulent times, some of the emerging companies took the path of innovating their human force for facing any eventualities in future. This became evident in one of the Mumbai-based media firms, which wanted to reinvent themselves in the light of new thought processes to cope with the rising expectations from the client base. It is very apt to describe the backdrop of `Green Shoots', an Ad-agency of Mumbai, in terms of its increasing work demands and complexities that prove to be a fitting context for the proposed line of thinking on creative lines.

This is not a typical scenario and must have been repeated thousands of times, may be in several organizations in recent times. Green Shoots has been facing a big problem. A decision made on the business expansion path months ago has now caused sharply declining results. A big meeting was called, and all the staff entered the conference room with something different on their mind. The research wing had an armful of charts, research, and data depicting the path of the project. The creative department sketched up a new campaign that could improve the visibility of the firm. The marketing manager was unsure, if she would be around after the meeting. And the office manager arrogantly recalled how she suggested it was a bad idea to begin with. The meeting quickly turned into a discussion that even more quickly become an argument about whose perspective had more merit and sense of application. Each person's emotional attachment to his/her point of view and the verbal commitment to the position made considering other options difficult, leading to a stalemate. The team `leader' knew that the way out of the impasse was to consider a wide range of options to resolve the problem. These were some problems which led to the origin of `Six Thinking Hats' at Green Shoots, which are presented here. Each hat represents a different point of view, while reading a situation. The Green Shoots context provides a lead for the proposed `Six Thinking Hats' as a solution for meeting the scenario of business dilemmas emanating in recent times. It also highlights how the current workplaces demand new patterns of management.


HRM Review Magazine, Six Thinking Hats, Brainstorming Techniques, HR Systems, Emerging Companies, Green Shoots, Industrial Harmony, BPO Firms, Technical Departments, Product Development Team, Human Resources, Multinational Project Meetings, Customer Service.