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HRM Review Magazine:
Managing Knowledge Workers : An HR Perspective

With the emergence of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG), the business environment has become dynamic. Markets are becoming competitive, businesses are becoming service-oriented and diversified, educated workforce is growing in number. Information revolution is actually knowledge revolution. Nowadays, organizations are capitalizing on knowledge-based work and knowledge workers are regarded as intellectual capital. There is transformation of the industrial economy into a knowledge-based economy. In this scenario, the role of HR managers has become very crucial. They need to attract, mold, develop, retain and fulfill the expectations of "knowledge workers". It has become evident that the application of effective HRM practices in managing them can only lead the organization towards success.


Peter Ducker coined the term `Knowledge Worker' in 1959 and defined a Knowledge Worker as: "Anyone who works for a living at the tasks of developing or using knowledge. For example, a knowledge worker might be someone who works at any of the tasks of planning, acquiring, searching, analyzing, organizing, storing, programing, distributing, marketing, or otherwise contributing to the transformation and commerce of information and those who work at using the knowledge so produced".

So we can say that one, who works with knowledge, creates, converts and transforms it into some useful manner for an organization is a knowledge worker. In other words, one who works primarily with information, i.e., develops and uses knowledge in the workplace is known as a knowledge worker. Knowledge workers are not only able to develop but also manipulate, analyze and interpret information for making better business decisions and improving the overall efficiency of the organization.


HRM Review Magazine, Knowledge Workers, Business Intelligence, Business Decisions, Information Technology, Innovative Techniques, Organizational Learning, Emotional Intelligence, Multidimensional Skills, Telecom Technology, Multiple Knowledge Workers, Stress Management.