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HRM Review Magazine:
New Recruits' Perfunctory Perceptions: The Manager's Apathy

This case study helps in analyzing the factors which influence people's perceptions. It also throws light on the perception hierarchy and helps in explaining how same things are viewed differently by different people. Damodar Dhoot (Dhoot), the head of Hermes-Nakata Finance Company (HNFC), was successfully executing the company's expansion plans to the South Indian states, while four new recruits were being hired in Delhi. Being absent during the selection process for the first time had already made him uneasy about the right fit of the new recruits in the company. When Dhoot came back to Delhi, he found that things were not progressing as he had expected. Each of the new recruits had his own expectations, attitudes and motives, and hence, perceived the job differently. After an unpleasant first meeting with the new recruits, Dhoot decides to keep an eye and assess each one of them. He finds that some of the new recruits differed from the company's as well as his values and ideals. Dhoot judges each, based on his perceptions and ultimately fires three of the four new recruits. Did Dhoot make the right decision?


Right perception is very important for an individual as one's reactions to things, people and happenings are based on one's perception. In organizations, it is important for the employees to have a positive perception of their jobs and for the managers to have the right perception about the employees. At times, managers will have to make judgments about their subordinates. The judgment has to be unbiased or else both the individual and the organization may become victims of these prejudices. And, if the manager doesn't give much importance to the facts, he would easily fall prey to his misjudgments. The head of the Hermes-Nakata Finance Company (HNFC) had to judge his new recruits.

Damodar Dhoot (Dhoot) was quite happy when he heard from his secretary, on the morning of January 13, 2009, that four new recruits were hired for his Delhi office. All were from teading management institutions and two of them had one-year work experience each. It was great news for him. Once his work was over in South India, he would go back and join them. He was sure that he would make the Consumer Finance division, the best in the company's portfolio, with the help of the new recruits. In consumer finance, knowing the pulse of the customer is very important. To achieve his plans, he was keen in finding the right mix of new employees for his organization. He believed that only if the employee's personal values set matched the organization's values, would benefit both the parties.


HRM Review Magazine, Damodar Dhoot, Hermes-Nakata Finance Company, Consumer Finance Division, Leadership Skills, Communication Skills, Multinational Mobile Company, Summer Internship Program, Pharmaceutical Marketing, Business Strategies.