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HRM Review Magazine:
Quality of Work Life in Small Scale Industries of Dharwar District

Most of the industries consider their employees as high leverage variables. A business can compete and will be successful only when employees are helped by the company to achieve a constructive balance between their work and personal lives. Also, a society will provide a strong foundation for future business growth only when a proper constructive balance is achieved. A comprehensive Quality of Work Life (QWL) process strengthens business, families and society. In recent years, several approaches to improving productivity and enhancing the QWL have captured the imagination of Indian small scale industry promoters. Global competition requires that promoters of small scale industries in India undertake the primary role in improving productivity, and one way to achieve this is by enhancing the QWL within the organizations.


Human behavior is the concern of every individual. Parents are unhappy about the behavior of their children, teachers complain about the lack of interest among students and the employers experience bitter behavior about the lack of commitment from their employees. When highly paid employees of an organization go on strike or indulge in some other form of protest, the typical reaction of the management is that of shock and dismay. The assumption here is that when an employee is well paid for his time and labor, he is supposed to be motivated to carry out the responsibilities entrusted on him, and should be happy with his job.

The traditional methods of motivation of human beings, even within established institutions, have become ineffective. Technological advancement can be taken as a key factor in this struggle. Although advanced technology centers on higher productivity, it still has a negative impact on the workplace environment. Workers see their jobs disappearing or becoming dehumanized. Societal support must go hand in hand with technical innovations. The new forms of work organization, therefore, must represent an optimum balance between the technical demands of the job and social needs of the people performing the job.


HRM Review Magazine, Small Scale Industries, Technical Innovations, Technological Advancements, Work Organization, Painting Departments, Marketing Departments, Decision Making Process, Production Department, Career Development, Indian Administration Department.