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MBA Review Magazine:
Entrepreneurship: A Self-employment Career

In recent times, entrepreneurship has become a serious area of study. It is considered to be a means for creating wealth, generating employment and providing new and better goods and services. Developing the spirit of entrepreneurship among people has become vital because the government alone cannot provide jobs for all the unemployed youth and the corporate sector can provide limited jobs only to the best-and that too without any job security.


Taking up an entrepreneurial career may not be difficult for majority of the youth. Most of them are not aware of the opportunities for entrepreneurial activity. They are only aware of salaried employment as the only option for them. This is partly because of the environment in the family, educational institutions, social groups, support organizations and society at large. This kind of attitude needs to be changed. Of course, there are also youth who opt for an entre-preneurial career due to force of circumstances.

Whatever way a person embarks upon an entrepreneurial career, he/she becomes an entrepreneur. The need for entrepreneurs has been growing. They are the people who can also trigger socio-economic changes and development in the country.

Due to the changing socioeconomic environment, there is need to promote more entrepreneurs. Society needs such persons for their role in economic and industrial development who take risk of business and lead the economy on the path of growth.

The majority of people prefer salaried employment because of security, assured income, short hours of work, lesser degree of responsibility, and, to some extent, social status attached to salaried employment. Again, the majority prefer a job in a government establishment and that too, if possible, in their own place.

But the minority who take up an entrepreneurial career may be doing so due to some compelling reason or the other. Some take it up for economic gain, as it provides a person adequate amount of income to feel financially well-off. Some, of course, take up entrepreneurship because of the social status associated with it, as they feel that big businessman are highly respected in society.


MBA Review Magazine, Entrepreneurship, Corporate Sectors, Entrepreneurial Career, Socioeconomic Environment, Industrial Enterprises, Socioeconomic Problems, Women Entrepreneurship, Women Empowerment, Entrepreneurial Competencies, Entrepreneurial Career, Enterprise Culture, Entrepreneurship and Business Development Centres, Rural Industries Program.