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MBA Review Magazine:
Leadership Is about Creating Conditions for Others to do and be Their Best!

Being asked to write a meaningful editorial for the MBAs of one of the world's traditionally most entrepreneurial culture is a bit of a challenge.

However, this week came an article from a friend in another permanently creative country (Brazil) which quoted an interesting poll: over 10,000 people interviewed and asked where they found their source of inspiration and creativity, both leading to entrepreneurship, only 3% replied `at work'…. For the rest entrepreneurship and innovation took place in any other circumstance you may think of, except `at work'.

Other than wondering how could those 9,700 people wake up each day to go to a place where they would switch their brains off (what a thrilling perspective…), I was also thinking of a famous French novel's title: C'est Mozart qu'on assassine! (It is Mozart whom we are assassinating). What kind of a working environment do we create for ourselves and our people, if they don't come to work for pleasure, for being innovative and creative?


MBA Review Magazine, Leadership, Entrepreneurial Culture, Brazilian Entrepreneur, Harvard Business Review, HBR, Digital Services, Master of Business Administration, MBA, Entrepreneurial Firm, Serial Entrepreneurs, Strategy-Business, Kauffman Foundation .