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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Emotional Marketing: Capturing the Customers' Hearts

In today's competitive market, customers are more alert and choosy about what they buy. In this situation, attracting customers through emotions is emerging as an oft used tool by marketers. This method of marketing is about connecting your target market to your product or service through customers' emotions. Emotional thoughts stimulate people's minds faster than non-emotional thoughts. The findings of a consumer survey on emotional marketing are presented here.


Emotional marketing is a highly successful method that is used by marketers to both attract and retain customers. The main aim is to connect to customers' hearts. It is seen that emotional thoughts stimulate people's minds faster than rational thoughts. Emotional marketing is all about considering the feelings and needs of customers and finding ways to take advantage of the same to achieve higher volume of sales. Most marketers are now adopting this because of the realization that the emotional route can be effectively used to change consumers' attitude towards their products. Nowadays companies are using emotional advertisements to evoke favorable reactions from consumers. Emotion-based marketing offers competitive advantage to marketers in developing strong relationship with consumers.

Many of the advertisements these days have a strong element of emotional touch in them, which draws consumers to connect with the brands being advertised. For example, the advertisements for Johnson & Johnson baby care products and those for various insurance products most often attempt to influence consumers through emotions. Brands which are not able to make an emotional connect gradually lose out to competing brands which are able to use emotional marketing effectively.

The success of emotional marketing is established when customer experiences the product. Once companies are able to deliver their promise, they can establish a long-time their presence in the customer's heart.

When people think of emotional marketing, they are likely to visualize weepy and heartrending sentiments. However, emotional marketing can also make people smile and even laugh, if they have a tinge of humor in them. When people laugh, they feel good. If people feel good while viewing a marketing communication, they will feel good about the company and its product.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Emotional Marketing, Powerful Tool, Emotional Advertisements, Marketing Communication, Customer Touchpoint Management, Shopping Environment, Marketing Strategies, Random Sampling Method, Decision Making Process, Occupational Categories.