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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Indian Pharmaceutical Industry in 2020

The business environment is changing for every industry. Changes in customer behavior, awareness levels and demand patterns have led to change in business models. For the pharmaceutical industry, consumer behavior is not the only variable. Changes in global climate, demographic characteristics and lifestyles are also resulting in increased focus on healthcare at the national and international levels. This article examines the factors responsible for changes in the Indian pharmaceutical industry and projects the scenario for the year 2020.


Change is said to be permanent. This applies to almost everything including technology, business models and lifestyles. Earlier, pharmaceutical companies did everything in-house, whether it was manufacturing, drug development, clinical trials or marketing. But the business environment is changing, and this is forcing companies to change their style of doing business. They need to reduce costs, improve R & D facilities and focus on developing countries and emerging economies to tap their market potential. The recession too has triggered changes in the business model, as companies are now considering collaborations and joint ventures as a means to be efficient and effective, in order to provide value for money.

At the time of independence, the Indian pharmaceutical industry was majorly dependent on imports. But today, it presents an example of phenomenal growth and is now the fourth largest pharmaceutical industry in the world. The Indian pharmaceutical industry includes more than 20,000 registered manufacturing units, which produce more than 400 bulk drugs and about 60,000 formulations. By value, it produces more than 20% of the world's generic drugs. The progress is continuous with high compounded annual growth rate (CAGR), and the Indian pharmaceutical industry seems to have a bright future by the year 2020, in spite of the many challenges lying ahead.

The first and foremost reason for optimistic projections of the phenomenal growth of the pharma industry is major blockbuster drugs going off-patent in the near future. The business model followed by the western pharmaceutical industry till now has been to promote a few drugs to make them blockbusters and these drugs contributed to a significant part of the profits. But this model needs to be changed, as many blockbuster drugs will be going off-patent over the coming years. According to a research firm's estimates, the top ten global companies may lose around 40% of their revenue due to this, and most of these companies do not even have any drug in the pipeline to adequately compensate for this loss. But this situation offers an advantage for the Indian pharmaceutical industry, as Indian companies have excellence in the production of genericsthat too with low cost and high quality. It can, therefore, tap this opportunity which is worth more than US$ 25 bn in sales (Exhibit). Being equipped with requisite resources, India has a 30-50% cost advantage and thus proves to be both effective and efficient.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Indian Pharmaceutical Industry, Emerging Economies, Business Environment, Pharmaceutical Products, Global Markets, Domestic Markets, Pharmaceutical Companies, Global Warming, Pharmaceutical Sectors, Healthcare Segments, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Multinational Companies.