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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Innovation: Prerequisite for Success in the Market

The ability of a company to innovate in order to attain superior efficiency, quality and customer responsiveness will determine if its product is differentiated from that of its rivals and if it has a low cost structure. Companies that can increase the utility that customers can get from their products through differentiation, while simultaneously lowering their cost create more value than their competitors. This leads to competitive advantage and superior profitability.


Organizations have to con- stantly reinvent themselves and upgrade their products and services every now and then. Incremental innovation ensures that companies come up with something better time and again, rather than something radically new which might create apprehension in the minds of consumers. Innovation is a way of life for most organizations and those which fail to innovate end up in the loser's path.

Businesses, whether for profit or non-profit, are facing changes like never before. Numerous driving forces behind this change include a rapidly expanding marketplace (globalization), increasing competition, diversity among consumers, and technological developments. Creativity and innovation are often crucial to the success of a business, whether it pertains to an existing product or a new one. Innovation can take place anywhere, from the product conception stage down to the final delivery point. Thus, innovation can form a part of strategic planning and also operational execution, by way of product/service management.

The term `creativity' refers to the ability and power to develop new ideas. Innovation refers to the use of ideas. In an organization, this can mean creation of a new product, a new service or a new way of doing things. Innovation is any product, service or idea that is perceived as new. Organizations have to constantly reinvent themselves and upgrade their products and services. Innovation, in a manufacturing or service organization, can be seen across such diverse fields as product or service innovation, technological change and manufacturing process innovation and marketing innovation.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Product Innovation, Service Management, Product Management, Globalization, Technological Developments, Globalization, Cost Reduction, Commercial Campaigns, Quantum Innovation, Pharmaceutical Companies.