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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Is the Customer Always Right? Learnings from the Services Sector

Service, in any form has to be handled in a deft manner because of its distinct characteristics, such as intangibility, lack of standardization, inseparability and perishability. In a service scenario, purchase results in a direct relationship with the service provider. This article attempts to revisit the concept `customer is always right' from the perspective of service providers and prepares the ground for further discussions by academicians and practitioners of services marketing on this highly relevant, but somewhat debatable, topic.


Services are created as they are consumed, and the customer is often involved in the service delivery process, enabling service providers to cater to the specific needs of individual customers. Some services, like public transport and fast food restaurants, offer standardized service with limited options/menu. But there are also restaurants offering a base menu which can be developed to a meal as per customers' preferences. For example, Noodle Bar is a restaurant, where the menu lists all the basic ingredients, such as the type of noodles, vegetables and the range of spices offered. Customers have to indicate their choice of various options so that the dishes are prepared as per their preferences, resulting in a customized service, often to the delight of customers.

Service delivery is one of the finer aspects that needs consideration. The amount of time required for delivering a service varies from a few minutes, like in a bank transaction, to a few years, like in an educational institute. Here, depending upon the duration of service delivery, additional facilities, which include water, restroom and canteen services have to be provided. The speed of delivery can create a USP (Unique Selling Proposition) for an organization.

All of us come in contact with services or service providers day in and day out, be it through Internet banking, school teachers of our children or the cartridge refilling service. But how many of us are actually satisfied and happy with what we are getting? All of us have different expectations and perceptions of the service being provided. Sometimes, our expectations can be genuine and at other times impractical from the service provider's viewpoint.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Services Sector, Service Delivery Process, Customer Expectations, Business Organization, Business Environment, Service Organizations, Cartridge Refilling Service, Bank Transactions, Fast Food Restaurants.