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Effective Executive Magazine:
Coaching for Performance : A Conversation

Entelechy's coaching model, when used consistently over time will result in a stronger employee-coach relationship, employees who can self-assess (and even coach themselves!), and increased productivity. While one-fifth of employees may not need coaching since they're already charged up about their work and confident in all of their abilities AND another fifth of employees are simply not ready for coaching since they're so disengaged from their work, coaching can be used to improve the productivity and morale of "the massive middle" of your employee base.


If you wish to improve the skills of your employees, you must plan to observe them (or their results) and provide them with feedback. If you're like most supervisors or managers, you have limited time and are looking for employees to become proficient - and independent - faster. Entelechy's Coaching Model is designed to help you do just that!

Towers Perrin, another New York-based consulting firm, concluded from surveying 35,000 US workers that only one-fifth of workers were highly engaged in their jobs. While an equal amount of surveyed workers were disengaged in their work, Towers Perrin suggests that the middle three-fifths - "the massive middle" - offered the best opportunity for managers and supervisors. "Strengthening this group's level of engagement may be the most critical task virtually every employer faces today."

Engagement, recognition, feedback, opportunity for development and contribution, and coaching offers supervisors and managers a simple and highly effective mechanism for increasing morale, productivity, performance, and engagement.

The coach opens the conversation with a general question; this helps the coach get a sense of the coachee's self-assessment. If the coachee responds with, "that was the best interview ever" and you thought that the interview was poor, you know that you'll have to adjust your coaching conversation.


Effective Executive Magazine, Entelechy Coaching Model, Coaching Conversation, Self Assessment, Core Business Skills, Problem Solving, Workload Management, Time Management, Customer Loyalty, Development Process, Coaching Sessions.