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Effective Executive Magazine:
The Moral of the Moment : Coaching Vs Mentoring: There's A Significant Difference

Do you know the difference between "coaching" and "mentoring"? Most people don't. As a matter of fact, most people use the two terms interchangeably as if there is no difference. Well, there happens to be a big difference.

You could go to Webster's Dictionary but I don't think you'll find much help there. As a matter of fact, just in case you're curious, I went to the dictionary for you, and here's what I found:

Coach - A private tutor; a person who instructs.

Mentor - A wise and trusted counselor or teacher.

You see? Not a lot of help. It's nice to see that a coach should act as a private tutor, but shouldn't he also be a wise and trusted counselor like a mentor? A mentor should be a wise and trusted counselor, but shouldn't he also teach? The two terms sure do sound alike, but there is one, key difference.

I would have been in the dark on this issue if I were not involved in a deep personal coaching and mentoring experience of my own. When I was twenty-one I coached my first basketball team. It consisted of a group of boys who were, then, about five years younger to me. I made my mistakes, but we became a good team, won most of our games, and those around me embraced me as a good coach. I also, accidently became a mentor.


Effective Executive Magazine, Coaching Vs Mentoring, Coaching and Mentoring, Mentoring Relationship, Homework Assignments, Personal Coaching, Webster's Dictionary, Basketball Team, Trusted Counselor, Private Tutor.