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Global CEO Magazine:
India's pathetic legal system

Unfortunately, our outdated legal system is a major stumbling block in the reform process. The guilty have a field day and can prolong cases for as long as they want. For the innocent, getting speedy justice is next to impossible. This article discusses the flaws in our legal system.

In modern society, speedy and efficient legal processes have a very important role to play. Without a sound legal system, it would be difficult to safeguard property rights, for businesses to function, for the innocent to defend themselves against false allegations and for the guilty to be taken to task.

Unfortunately, our outmoded legal system is a major stumbling block in the reform process. The guilty have a field day and can prolong cases for as long as they want. For the innocent, getting speedy justice is next to impossible. Citizens in the country have to tear their hair in frustration as they become victims of our highly inefficient and callous legal processes.

Unfortunately, the reality in our country is quite different. In the past few months, I had to visit a court frequently in connection with a criminal case in which a close friend was falsely implicated. I had a first hand experience of how our legal system works.


system, process, prolong, stumbling, efficient, experience, frustration, allegations, article, businesses, callous, victims, Citizens, modern, safeguard