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Global CEO Magazine:
Women in the E-era

Suddenly corporations and nations are in need of all the bright and creative individuals that they can get. They cannot afford to ignore women who constitute almost half of the human resources. For the first time in the recorded history, women are being given importance for their intellectual ability. When both the genders are competing on the basis of their brains and not brawn, then there is no looking back for women.

Peter Drucker has categorically stated that corporations are now in competition with each other for the scarcest resources -bright creative individuals for the information workforce-that is why now even the so called masculine organizations have started enticing and urging women to use and develop their intellectual ability.

Suddenly corporations and nations are in need of all the bright and creative individuals they can get. They just cannot afford to ignore almost half of the resources. For the first time women are being given so much importance for their intellect . When both the genders are competing on the basis of their brains and not brawns then there is no looking back for the women. They are the ones most benefited, from the digital revolution.

At the beginning of last century, women and technology were two different worlds; in the early twentieth century technology was almost exclusively a male domain. By the start of the 21st Century, that gap was closing rapidly. Today women make up about one-third of the IT workforce worldwide; while women have moved into technology, this transition has happened through evolution rather than revolution.


corporations, individuals, resources, technology, competing, afford, intellectual, revolution, Drucker, enticing, evolution, categorically, history, organizations, categorically, workforce