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HRM Review Magazine:
Behavior: In a Nutshell

"Face is the index of the mind." This means that all thought invariably translates into expression. The mind and body share a cause and effect relationship. It has been an intriguing area of study through the years, for innumerable philosophers have spent their lives in understanding the dynamics of the human mind and behavior. This article summarizes the dynamics of behavior in easily understandable terms.

Behavior is defined as a "stimuli-response dyad." It means that a certain stimulus, at a given point of time, under given circumstances, elicits a certain response. However, like most concepts in management discipline, behavior is also abstract and relative. The same stimulus need not necessarily produce the same response at two varied points of time. Notwithstanding such ambiguity, behavior is still widely accepted as a stimuli-response dyad.

It would be an attempt at futility to try and answer this question. The cognitive processes in an individual are continuous and the longevity of such a phenomenon is as much as life itself. Behavior could range from the physical movement of the whole body to just the raising of an eyebrow as a response to some stimulus that originates inertly within the mind. Such small fragments of behavior are exhibited by the second in everyday life.

Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior: Insight on human behavior plays a major role in the selection and motivation of employees in the corporate world. Psychological tests, attitudinal tests, interviews and other forms of examinations have become mandatory in selection processes.



behavior, response, stimulus, dynamics, abstract, ambiguity, circumstances, cognitive, corporate, discipline, article, employees, examinations, inertly, Insight, interviews, intriguing, longevity, Management, mandatory, Organizational, philosophers, physical, Psychological, relationship, Resource