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HRM Review Magazine:
Corporate Women: Leading the Way

In the global business arena, where competition is increasing rapidly, the role of women as business leaders and managers is on the rise. Women are competing on par with their male counterparts. In achieving success, women leaders have exhibited various leadership styles and traits. The leadership styles of some of the leading women managers in India and the common leadership qualities that these leaders exhibit are analyzed.

In today's business world, women are playing an important role. They are able to lead multinational companies and implement the best turn-around strategies, considerably changing organizations' performance and proving that they are not inferior to their counterparts. There are a number of examples to prove this. Women like Anne Mulcahy at Xerox, Carly Fiorina at Hewlett-Packard, Ann Moore at Time, Inc., Andrea Jung at Avon, Ann Fudge at Young & Rubicam, Ranjana Kumar at NABARD, Naina Lal Kidwai at HSBC, Lalita Gupte at ICICI, Kiran Mazumdar at Biocon, Frances Hesselbein of Girl Scouts USA, Barbara Grogan of Western Industrial Contractors, Nancy Badore of Ford Motor Company's Executive Development Center, and Dorothy Brunson of Brunson Communications, etc. are some notable illustrations.

The answer these questions is a good leader or manager who has the requisite set of skills and attributes, which are generally different in case of men and women. The distinct advantages for women are that they foster creativity and cooperation, and have an intuitive decision-making power. In today's global business world, these qualities are very much in demand.

Most organizations are recruiting, hiring and developing women managers and giving credit to their contribution towards corporate success today. Good business organizations support the career aspirations of talented and successful top women.



business, leaders, managers, counterparts, global, organizations, qualities, Communications, companies, contribution, decisionmaking, Development, Executive, HewlettPackard, Industrial, intuitive, aspirations, multinational, strategies