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HRM Review Magazine:
Philosophy of Scientific Education: A Guide to Educational Management

Evolution of scientific education is not possible without a scientific understanding of nature. Great personalities like Raja Rammohan Roy, Swami Vivekananda and Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar brought modern education to the doorsteps of our motherland. Ours is a rural-oriented country with the majority of people living in villages. Educating these masses is an arduous task and for this scientific education is a very useful tool. This paper discusses the psychological and social barriers in the implementation of scientific education for our people at large and the rural masses in particular.

It is a known fact that the concept of scientific education came into being as a correlated product and understanding of two basic and fundamental concepts viz; science and education. These concepts in turn came into being as a result of prolonged and persistent efforts of mankind as a whole. Without having an understanding of the origin of man, science and scientific cognition, one cannot explain the meaning of scientific education and its relation to social action.

Evolution of man on this earth took a long time. According to one estimate, it took around more than five million years or so for evolution from an animal which was somewhat akin to the ape in structure. Since then, the species "Homo sapiens" started developing at a rapid pace, surpassing all other animals in struggling against various hurdles, obstacles and calamities in nature, other animals and the external environment at large.

In course of the development of society, man started acquiring true cognitive power of the external environment, nature, society and life. He started perceiving the various processes that are operating within nature, society and the mind. Nature was conceived as self-developing, advancing and progressing in an ever ascending manner. Though some temporary setbacks, hurdles and regresses were observed, on the whole it was developing in an onward and upward march. And at every stage of development contradictions-both internal and externalwere observed.



education, scientific, society, concepts, science, development, social, environment, efforts, estimate, evolution, arduous, mankind, modern, Pandit, barriers, cognition, Vivekananda