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The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior
HR Profession in Transition

New emerging roles and responsibilities are leading to the shift in the HR profession from administrators to strategic advisors. Businesses are recognizing HR’s role as a value adder and growth generator, rather than simply as an internal business function. HR functions are getting more integrated into line management functions. Increasingly, HR work will move into the line, with managers handling the majority of HR-related issues and employees will be able to conduct HR-related transactions through self-service. Adaptive HR personnel are the ones who will survive today.

There is no doubt that HR profession is in transition today. The work of human resource development practitioners is as varied and continually changing as the field itself. The field of HR, driven by technology and rapid growth, requires its practitioners to continually review, update and validate their numerous roles. As HR as a field is growing and diversifying, it is becoming acutely necessary to learn a multiplicity of roles. Today, HR is at the sharp end of business. HR function is extending its role within the business. There are new emerging roles and responsibilities and ever increasing challenges ahead for HR professionals.

Traditionally, the role of HR has been described as personnel administrator, legal advisor, safety officer, etc. The traditional HR manager participated very little in policymaking, strategic thinking and real human resource development activities (Rao, T V, 2003). Gone are the days when the HR professional was mere a personal manager who was concerned with maintenance of latrines and canteens, bargain with unions, etc. Recently, the designation strategic partner has come into existence to imply greater alignment of HR activities with business requirements. Today, he has metamorphosed into a specialist cum generalist, with his own expertise and fair share in corporate strategy formulation.In this day and age, organizations are forced to thrive on the cutting edge competition using the most appropriate technology so that their core competencies are enhanced. For this, managing HR more effectively becomes imperative. The performance of HR managers is being continuously scrutinized, which was not so earlier. The HR manager is under constant pressure to keep up the spirit of employees and help them work normally

business, manager, strategic, development, emerging, employees, functions, growth, HRrelated, practitioners, profession, resource, responsibilities, technology, Adaptive, corporate, administrator, scrutinized