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Ancient Philosophy: Commodity Branding

Ideas and philosophies govern everybodys life and destiny. The idea of business is always presented as an antithesis to the philosophical thoughts governing our life. The dichotomy comes out of an assumption that philosophy is metaphysical and business is about materialism. Philosophy is about the `life next; whereas, business is a `life vest. Here is an attempt to use the ancient Daoist, Buddhist teachings, and Friedrich Nietzsches philosophical filters to the subject of commodity branding. The author shows how these teachings and philosophies are relevant to the decisions of commodity branding.



This article attempts to examine the successful commodity branding initiatives, lists out critical success factors and finds consistency in the way the results of this issue are understood, through the understanding of ancient learning and philosophical thoughts. A combination of old philosophical musings and empirical findings explain how a customer could be made brand loyal for a commodity. A conceptual framework proposed by the author tries to bring both the spiritual and material thoughts together for commodity branding. Finally, the author gives a set of recommendations about the category of business that can use this knowledge effectively.

When we talk of commodities, the very fact that all the tangible features are undifferentiated makes the product or services a commodity. So, in the case of commodity branding, the focus is on providing intangible benefits to the customers that would differentiate the product or service. The scope of commodity branding stretches from the product categories traditionally viewed as commodities like food items, cement, steel, etc., to branded products which become commodities after a period of time; for example, telecom services, computer hardware, garments, etc.

The two extremes of commodity branding might appear distinct, but in reality the brand manager needs to ensure that the consumer picks up his brand amongst other brands with the same or similar attributes. So commoditization of products or services is indistinguishable from each other at a functional or attributive level. The important question which now remains is that if both the products are same at the attributive level (say, the competitor's product is cheaper), then why should a rational consumer choose a specific product or brand?


Advertsing Express Magazine, Ancient Philosophy, Commodity Branding, Buddhist Teachings, Philosophical Thoughts, Telecom Services, Computer Hardware, Management Theories, Brand Communication, Promotional Expenditures, Starbucks Concept, Cultural Landscape, Cultural Performance, Commodity Branding, Customer Loyalty.