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Advertising Express Magazine:
Personal Determinants of Website Effectiveness in Internet Marketing

Over the last few years, the Internet has registered an unprecedented growth. Corporate websites have become the main support for companies communication activities through the Internet. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid to the effectiveness of websites and its determinants. This article discusses and presents the three personal determinants (self-efficacy, affect towards the Internet, and product familiarity) that contribute to the formation of consumers attitudes and purchase intention online.


The importance the Internet has gained in the last few years has led to a significant increase in the number of companies that do business through this medium and, therefore, communicate through it. The Internet has become a real revolution that is radically changing the traditional focus of advertising and communication media. In this sense, Peppers and Rogers (1999) argue that Internet marketing represents an absolute transformation of the marketing paradigm that evolves from a predominantly one-dimensional perspective to an interactive model with completely personalized relationships.

Research in the marketing area has not been indifferent to the Internet phenomenon. Several studies with different focus have been carried out to identify its features, as well as the factors that have caused its unprecedented growth (Richard and Chandra, 2005). The aim of this paper is to contribute to this literature by identifying the personal factors that influence attitude formation in the online environment.

Websites represent one of the most important interactive communication alternatives nowadays (Sicilia et al., 2005; Hwang et al., 2003; Macías, 2003). With an efficient use of the website, marketers can benefit from information provided by their consumers to improve their communication message as well as their goal. They can also adjust their product line and customer support. Therefore, decisions related to the website have a significant strategic value.


Advertising Express Magazine, Personal Determinants, Website Effectiveness, Internet Marketing, Corporate Websites, Marketing Paradigm, Online Environment, Corporate Advertising, Communication Strategy, Consumer Behavior, Self-Efficacy, Strategic Marketing.