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Advertising Express Magazine:
Feminine Buying Culture

From time immemorial, women have been considered either to have less or no effect in terms of purchase decisions. This research insight dwells into this aspect and aims to study the purchasing behavior in women.


Women were traditionally viewed as a very passive customer group who had little or no say in most matters. They were, thus, not associated with the more serious functions like decision-making. But after World War II, businesses attempted to create a predictable market out of the growing families. The ideologies of `breadwinning fathers', new ways in which children were being viewed and raised, and the notions of women as `stay-at-home-mothers', were being reconsidered. The new market focused on women as primary consumers and the need of the day was to promote the `cult of domesticity' in order to sell their products. However, this promotion required a certain number of women to enter the professional sphere in order to sell and teach women the task of making a home and the science of consumption. This is the juncture of time that we presently are at.

Today's `woman' has really redefined herself and is starkly incomparable with the rigid and dogmatic perceptions of a woman that many clung on to. Unlike in the earlier times, today, women are educated, sometimes more educated than their male counterparts. She is more independent (most important financially) therefore she has grown to the stature of a `buyer' from that of a `user'. Today, most societies are made up of nuclear families where, most probably, the woman (mother) of the house is employed. Most families are thus double income earning entities. In addition, there's also a substantial growth of singles who may be employed or unemployed individuals (males or females). This clearly indicates that the composition of the buyers' market is changing on various lines. This composition change has lot to do with the dynamics of marketing, advertising and more importantly consumer behavior.


Advertsing Express Magazine, Feminine Buying Culture, Decision-Making Process, Consumer Behavior, Professional Status, Decision-Maker, Random Sampling Technique, Private Sector Employees, FMCG Products, Economic Status, Predictable Market.