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Advertising Express Magazine:
Marketing Strategy Failure: Diagnosis and Treatment

Many well-formulated marketing strategies fail dismally. Disappointed marketing executives who devise the plans usually blame its formulation, yet there is evidence to suggest that most plans and strategies fail because of poor implementation. This article reviews a well-known tool for the diagnosis of marketing strategy implementation, and then identifies a number of reasons why implementation of marketing plans and strategies so often fail.


A firm's marketing team work long and hard at formulating a great new writing strategy, and write what seems to be the perfect marketing plan. Considerable sums of money are spent on gathering all the right information, and the planning team considers every eventuality. The reactions of competitors, the responses of customers and the consequence within the distribution channel are all evaluated, and taken into consideration. Yet, when the plan is put into action, the hoped-for results are not achieved. The team goes back to the drawing board, blaming the failure on their own poor formulation of the marketing strategy, and on a poorly conceived marketing plan, swears to work harder and smarter the next time.

Many organizations and marketing management teams today, spend an inordinate amount of time and effort on the formulation of marketing strategy and the writing of marketing plans, which often ensures excellent strategy. Yet, the downfall occurs when this strategy is poorly implemented. In simple terms, implementation is the "doing" of marketing strategy, putting into action carefully considered creative marketing thinking.

On one dimension, the grid in Figure 1 considers strategy formulation - which can range from poor to adequate. On the other dimension, the grid considers strategy implementation, which again can range from poor to adequate. Managers should use the grid to think about the formulation of their own marketing strategies, and their implementation. When a strategy is well formulated, and well implemented, then it is likely that success will follow. Similarly, when a strategy is poorly formulated, and also poorly implemented, then, not surprisingly, it generally results in failure.


Advertising Express Magazine, Marketing Strategies, Marketing Management, Market Research, Brand Equity, Organization Skills, Marketing Planning Process, Strategic Marketing, Products and Services, Organizational Structure, Marketing Plans.