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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Marketplaces of Knowledge

In this article, the author discusses how libraries are reinventing themselves and how they will occupy the central position for all future information needs of advertisers and marketers for effective marketing.


There is a public library in Sydney, that is a stones throw away from a major public transport hub where ferries, trains and buses converge. You can sip coffee, check out books, surf the Internet, review a health database, read magazines, and watch DVDs. The library is buzzing with people from all walks of life. Isn't it funny that in this day and age when people can easily access any information online, they still find a library attractive? In London's Tower Hamlets, libraries are being branded as "idea stores", and are looking more like retail shops located in shopping centers.

Despite the amount of information on the Internet growing day by day, libraries will thrive rather than decay into oblivion. Searching for information online has already started presenting problems. Humans have a remarkable brain, without being aware, is able to automatically categorize information based on meaning. You can walk into a video shop and locate a movie of your choice from all the different choices available, and then go to the supermarket and pick up your groceries from all the different aisles. How we manage to do this is not fully understood, but "mental highways" rather than information highways unconsciously instruct us to act and make the selection.

Computers have to be taught semantics. If you are searching for information to help your son or daughter with a chemistry test and you do a Google search for "Mercury", you get 175,000,000 hits. You do not have the time to search through this overwhelming amount of information. There is information on Mercury like the winged messenger, a planet, an old car and even a record label but nothing on the metal. The search did not have the correct context. A librarian can help structure your query correctly and select databases most relevant to your search.


Advertising Express Magazine, Marketplaces of Knowledge, Effective Marketing, Universal Business Language, UBL, Library Environment, Podcasting Radio Station, Advertising Executives, Internet Archive Wayback Machine, Government Sources, Scandinavian Country, Global Positioning.