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HRM Review Magazine:
Employee Engagement : An Evolving Perception on Work Culture

In the knowledge economy, corporate houses have to address the core issues of Human Resource Management (HRM) like employee engagement. This article throws light on the need for getting extra efforts from the employees.


The increasing pace of conflicts and confrontation among the potential segments of an organization, poses a challenge to the higher echelons of management. The most disturbing trends in recent times, found to be causing alarm to the employee morale, are noticeable in companies like `Infosys' and `TCS', where serious allegations were leveled against the management on the `pay protection' issue. Industry circles are closely examining the factual content and implications of these allegations on the image spectrum built by the strategists. While attempting to understand what makes an employee go to the extent of filing criminal cases against the employer, invariably we realize the need for protecting the `morale' of sensitive human beings and thereby investing their skills and knowledge in the direction of improving the quality in the delivery of goods and services.

In view of the changing landscape of business enterprises, which had a deep impact on the length and breadth of employee's work profile, the issue of tapping the hidden potentialities among the workforce assumes crucial attention and for which many attempts are on the anvil. The pursuit of market-driven strategies does impose a fresh agenda before the human element in the organization for making a qualitative difference in their contribution upon which the long-term interests of the stakeholders/shareholders depend. By making the employees aware of the new challenges and responsibilities in the specified direction and keeping them engaged with the stipulated action plan, an attempt has to be made for enlisting their whole-hearted support in the developmental pursuits.

The methodological prescription of `professionalism' required for taking up the stipulated and unstipulated agendas by the employees is best described as `employee engagement' that finds relevance in the changing times. No doubt, it seems to be a Herculean task before the management in view of the recurring incidents of workplace harassment and indifferent attitude to employee grievances by some executives. This perception holds good when we look at the recent happenings in TCS where the reported incidents of violation of agreement between the employees and the company caused a concern to the morale.


HRM Review Magazine, Employee Engagement, Work Culture, Human Resource Management, HRM, Knowledge Economy, Business Eenterprises, Core Philosophy, Productive Strategy, Products and Services, Multi-National Companies, MNCs, Industrial Disputes Act, Fringe Benefits Tax, FBT, Market Management, HR Management, Organizational Development.